Doors Open For The Next 7 Days

Heel pain shouldn’t kill your vibe.

Leaving early is not *exactly* what you had in mind when you dreamt up how the night would play out. Feeling awkward, off balance, and self-conscious.

What if you could wear the heels you love without pain or sacrificing your body – Sound too good to be true?

Well Cinderella… consider me your Heel Fairy Godmother.

9 Out of 10 Women Lack Confidence in Heels. Are you one of them?

It's not your fault. You've been lied to. 

YouTube tutorial, blogs, and even your good natured nana gave you solutions that were rooted in myth vs method, and it’s time you know the truth.

A confident, feminine and pain-free walk has *zero* to do with band-aid solutions:

Like starting with a kitten heel, finding the most comfortable shoe, or gradually building up your tolerance (aka torture therapy) – and everything to do with having the right system.

I put this process to work for hundreds of women. Now? I’m handing it over to you...

Doors Open For The Next 7 Days

Heel pain shouldn’t kill your vibe.

Leaving early is not *exactly* what you had in mind when you dreamt up how the night would play out. Feeling awkward, off balance, and self-conscious.

What if you could wear the heels you love without pain or sacrificing your body – Sound too good to be true?

Well Cinderella… consider me your Heel Fairy Godmother.

9 Out of 10 Women Lack Confidence in Heels. Are you one of them?

It's not your fault. You've been lied to. 

YouTube tutorial, blogs, and even your good natured nana gave you solutions that were rooted in myths, and it’s time you know the truth.

A confident, feminine and pain-free walk has *zero* to do with band-aid solutions:

Like starting with a kitten heel, finding the most comfortable shoe, or gradually building up your tolerance (aka torture therapy) – and everything to do with having the right system.

I put this process to work for hundreds of women. Now? I’m handing it over to you...

"They all laughed when I said I was taking a heels course, but after seeing the attention men started giving me, they were all asking me where to sign up!"

“Several men have given me their phone numbers. That kind of
attention has definitely increased since taking Sarah’s course".

I relearned the basics of movement in a way that helped me reduce pain, and walk more like a confident sexy boss. Sarah will elevate your walk, bearing, and confidence. She breaks things into simple understandable lessons, and you will see results! 

~ Dara, Blackjack Dealer 
My co-workers rave about how great my walk looks! I've got quite a few compliments and want to say thank you!" 

Before I started the course my ankles were weak and I walked on the balls of my feet. Now I understand the mechanics behind a strong walk. I've gotten quite a few compliments on my walk and wanted to say thank you! This heels training is a game changer.

~ Chazeen
“When you get this course it feel like you are giving yourself permission to enjoy being a woman”

I used to be scared of wearing heels, but not anymore! There is something so wonderful about Sarah and this course. It doesn't even just have to do with wearing heels, it translates into many other areas of your life including confidence! 

~Johanna, Host of the Vibrant Flow Podcast

Introducing the How to Walk in Heels Course:

Your fool proof 30-day heel plan, so you can enjoy wearing heels for dates, special events, 
or your morning coffee run – minus pain.

The only course to combine anatomy principles and feminine body language strategies, so you can quit heel pain AND get noticed.

A step-by-step 5-module roadmap, developed by a professional dancer and body language expert, that’s helped hundreds of women transform their relationship to heels. Leverage one of the most effective tools to tap into your femininity, elevate your confidence, and influence how others perceive you.

You’ll walk away with …

 5 Instructional videos to help you train your eye, spot old habits, and learn how to fix them.
 5 Practice videos to master anatomy principles and the art of feminine body language.
 Heels Mastery playbook, offering 3 unique practice plans (4, 6, & 8 week) to keep your motivation and focus sharp as you work through the course.
 Monthly Q&A: I’m here to support you throughout and beyond the course. If you have a question, send it over to our team, and we release a monthly video response addressing the most frequently asked questions from our heels community.
Here Is What's Inside:

Module 1: Legs & Feet

Legs and feet - the pivotal foundation of a truly stunning walk. 

This module unveil the secrets behind elongating your legs, achieving a perfect weight distribution, bidding adieu to any wobbly ankles, and conquering balance issues. 

Get ready to master the art of walking with rhythm and learn the transformative power of my distinctive BSP technique. 

Module 2: Hips

Let's talk about hips - the quintessential embodiment of a truly mesmerizing walk.

Within this unit, unravel the 3 key components that compose a mesmerizing hip movement. Say farewell to any hint of stiffness or rigidity as you delve into the timeless secrets by bombshells of eras past.

Get ready to unleash a new level of seduction and grace that will leave a lasting impression wherever you go.

Module 3: Posture & Poise

Picture poise and posture as the foundational pillars of your feminine body language. 

With the strategic addition of shapes and angles, we amplify our innate femininity. Let your posture become the unspoken voice of your confidence and grace, effortlessly adaptable whether you're rocking flats or strutting in your favorite heels. 

The skills will remain your timeless ally for the days to come, radiating elegance and grace in every step you take. 

Module 4: 3 Styles of Walk

Stepping in a straight line might seem like the obvious choice, but it's far from the only option. 

Your walk style can shape the impression you leave, and you have to power to tailor it to your liking. In this module, get ready to master 3 distinct walking styles, whether you're aiming for a laid-back, effortless allure, a touch of sensuality, or an all out bombshell strut. 

Don't confine yourself - let's unlock the full rage of your captivating potential. 

Module 5: Arms

Imagine your arms as your sultry confidantes, ready to enhance every curve. 

They hold the key to adding a hint of height, skillfully showcasing or even creating that coveted hourglass figure, and teasing out every subtle movement. Whether it's creating an illusion of length or amplifying your sensual sway, your arms are the secret weapon to perfecting that seductive high-heel strut. 

You'll never be caught wondering, "what should I do with my arms?" again...

Watch a Sample Lesson

BONUS: Practice Guide

The Heels Mastery Playbook; Offering 3 unique practice plans (4, 6, & 8 weeks) to keep your motivation and focus sharp as you work through the course. 
Ready to Embrace Your Confident Woman Era?
Here’s the process:


Click the "Get Started" button, and voila! In just minutes, an email will arrive in your inbox, warmly welcoming you to the heels family. You'll receive your login information, and you'll be all set to begin.


Peek inside, view the introductory video, and select your preferred practice plan among the 3 available options. You're just 30 to 60 days away from mastering a graceful and comfortable walk in heels.


Effortlessly step into your next event, date night, or any chosen time, embracing your femininity and oozing confidence and allure with your newly acquired skill.

My High Heel Graduates

Sure… YouTube tutorials and blogs might seem like the answer, but honestly most of it is just a bunch of untested theories and recycled fluff. How many more wobbly nights are on the agenda?

You deserve real results, not just more internet noise. 

And you might be considering other options to boost your confidence and femininity like beauty products or shedding a few pounds, but has that really worked for you in the past?

Learning this skill is about more than just appearances; it's about transforming how you carry yourself and how others perceive you.

And you could always do nothing. Continue with the same routine, and hope that feminine spark finds you somehow. But it won’t… doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is just not how it works, my friend.

Or, you could take the shortcut…

It's time to grant yourself the permission and tools to stand out. Discover what countless clients of mine already have—a skill that boosts your confidence and helps you become "that girl".
Here Is What's Inside

Module 1: Legs & Feet

This is the foundation of your new heels experience.

Here you will learn: 
- how to position feet and legs correctly, 
- how to distribute your weight, 
- how to use the Tripod technique effectively, 
- how to relieve your joints from pressure & prevent pain, 
- how to move with an elegant and graceful Walking Rhythm

and as well as my signature BSP Technique that will give you a gorgeous strut.

Module 2: Hips

Hips are not only the sexiest part but it also the center of your body, affecting your knees, ankles and posture, playing a key role in both your look and long-term health.

I will teach you:
- how to keep your lower back and knees healthy, 
- how to move in a way that looks sexy, elegant & classy,
- my 2 signature hip movement styles; 

that will give you an option to turn it up or tone it down depending on the occasion so your walk becomes truly irresistible.

Module 3: Posture & Poise

Only now we’re getting into your upper body. 

I will teach you:
- how to keep your body both healthy and looking beautiful,
- how to create feminine shapes and angles,
- how to emphasize your sexy curves,
- how to quickly create a gorgeous, elegant posture, 
- how to make it a thoughtless habit;

that will speak for you in every room you enter and serve you everywhere, whether you wear heels or flats.

Module 4: 3 Styles of Walk

Here we will have even more fun. 

I will show you 3 signature styles of walks you can use on different occasion. Choose between 

- Relaxed Elegance, 
- Subtle Sexy,
- Bombshell Strut. 

Any of these styles will you to radiate confidence, femininity and sexiness.

Module 5: Arms

This is the cherry on top. 

Arms are an important part of your coordination and visually serve as an accessory to your look. Awkward arm movement distracts from your walk and presence. 

I will teach you 3 different types of movement, swing and angle that will complement your walk, body language and overall presence.

Watch a Sample Lesson

BONUS: Practice Guide

The Heels Mastery Playbook; Offering 3 unique practice plans (4, 6, & 8 weeks) to keep your motivation and focus sharp as you work through the course. 
Your Investment In The Heels Course
 5 Instructional Videos
 5 Practice Videos
 The Ultimate Practice Guide
 Monthly Q&A
 lifetime access
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But don’t worry, gorgeous! We’re preparing something extraordinary for you. Leave your name and email below, and we’ll personally notify you the moment the doors swing back open.
Take your place among hundreds of women who wear their favorite heels, relish their femininity and sensuality, and get noticed when they walk into any room...
“Your heels course has stood the real test girl! 
After road tripping and walking all over Vancouver my feet feel fantastic wearing heels the whole day” - Joy
"After 2 foot injuries this course was of great help in normalizing my gait, and now heels are no problems!"

Two simple foot injuries changed my gait which threw my body out of alignment. This resulted in painful issues with my leg an IT band for nearly a decade. 

Since taking the course many of my symptoms have subsided. It helped me correct my gait and increase my awareness of foot placement and posture. I no longer walk with one foot turned out, and heels are no problem! 

Betty - Incredible Grandma
"My confidence is back and my body is feeling more aligned"

I used to have an overly curved spine and because of this training and hip mobility exercises, I have noticed physiological improvements. Sarah is patient, kind and created such a fun space to learn and grow! 

Cathy - Comedian and Trauma Coach
"Sarah is a body language expert!"

Before I started the course I struggled with weak ankles, poor posture, friction with my knees and a lack of flow. Now my hips move with flow, confidence and style. My ankles feel stronger and I'm able to look at other women and analyze their walk. You won't regret taking this course! Sarah is a body language expert! 

Erica - Office Administrator
“I was at the mall and two sets of double doors were held
open for me all at once! Everyone had a good laugh! Four people, both sets of doors, both sides! I thanked them and said I felt like a princess.” Danielle
"Adding hip movement to my walk has helped me feel sexy and feminine! (My husband LOVES IT!) "

I'm walking with better posture and feeling more balanced. I'd recommend the heels course to any woman who is having trouble walking in heels, or who want to feel to look and feel more sexy or feminine! 

~ Zianya, Mindset and Life Coach 
"I can show rocking those heel to date night, that business meeting or entering a room for the first time"

I never realized that no one taught me how to walk in heels properly and it contributed to me feeling shy instead of walking into a room and owning it. Now, after the heels course, I can really own any space and feel good about myself, my posture, and my strut.

~ Meagan, Founder of The Modern Day Wife
"I feel amazing!"

I never realized that no one taught me how to walk in heels properly and it contributed to me feeling shy instead of walking into a room and owning it. Now, after the heels course, I can really own any space and feel good about myself, my posture, and my strut.

~ Courtney, Customer Success Consultant
"I highly recommend Sarah as an expert for any woman who wants to learn beautiful posture and confident walking"

Sarah is an excellent communicator and such a feminine lady. She offered an online heels masterclass to my community and it was brilliant! She taught my techniques that I never learned in modeling that reduced my heel pain!

~ Evita, Founder of High Heel Society and Model
"I'm 6 feet tall, on the curvier side, and used to feel uncomfortable in heels. This course has been a huge win for me"

I felt like when I wore heels it drew more attention and felt like I needed to hide or hunch over and I was worried this course would be surface level ("here's how you walk, sway your hips") but it was the furthest from that. Instead of feeling withheld or afraid I know show up with energy I want; confidence, warmth and freedom. I would highly recommend, you would be missing out on a gift in experiencing and being able to embody that yourself! 

~ Dominique, Marketing Consultant 

"I've gained confidence in myself!"

Before starting the heels course my biggest struggle was loosing balance and not feeling sexy.

I really enjoyed the heels course. Sarah's teaching has helped me improve my walk in heels and gain confidence in myself. Thank you Sarah!"

~ Shahinez, Teacher

“This course made me realize it’s not what my body looks like or what society is telling me to do, it was about me to my core. When you work on your walk and confidence, it takes you to that next level” – Courtney
"This course helped me see how much more power women who walk in their femininity have"

Before I started the course my biggest struggle was walking comfortably in heels. It helped me recognize the difference between being a boss chic and a feminine woman. It's more than beauty it's essence. If you are on the fence, do it! Sarah will teach you the foundation of feeling like a high heel in a world filled with flats!

~ Nereida, Legal Advisor
"I'm a mature woman and was not used to wearing heels. I wasn't sure if this course would help but it did!

Before starting the course I did not feel comfortable or confident in heels. The training not only helped me feel at ease, but I no longer have foot pain even in flats. Sarah creates a safe space to feel like a lady for the first time. Do it! 

~ Margaret Brown, Maggie the Substitute Teacher Content Creator 
"After becoming a mom, it feels great to be in touch with my body"

Becoming a mom, I put my dance lessons on hold to make caring for my kids my number one priority. Participating in Sarah heels course brought back so many fond memories of personal instruction on body movement and and how great it feels to be in your body. Sarah is very professional, very detailed, and cares about the progress you are making.

~ Natalia, Mom to 3 under 3
“My biggest fear was whether I would be able to make time for the course and be able to follow it, but I found it to be very precise, well- structured and entertaining. Every time I watched it I learned something.” – Harshita
"No heel to high for this gal!"

Sarah's training on rocking a pair of heels has been a game changer! Learning why my shoes were always flapping against my heels was a life safer.

Everyone at work has noticed the difference i my confidence and are dying to work with Sarah too. No heels is to high for this gal anymore! 

~ Michelle, Jewelry Designer
"Hands down the best decision I've ever made was doing the heels course with Sarah. This woman has completely changed the game for me!"

What I thought I was signing up for was something to do with my feet and oh my gosh was I wrong. One of the greatest surprises was how much body language affects my mental health and confidence. I was learning to love myself and feed those desires in my soul. 

You need to take this course... You will be gorgeous every step you take and be able to walk confidently and into any room with your head held high. I tell all my friends about it and want my daughters to take this course when the grow up! 

~ Joy, Amazing Mama to 4 
"Now I feel so confident and sexy walking in heels whether I'm on date night or at the grocery store!"

I used to feel nervous about how uncoordinated I looked, I didn't know where to place my weight or how to carry myself. I also work in the event industry and am often at social events where I wanted to looked poised. Now, I feel so confident and sexy walking in heels whether I'm on date night or at the grocery store! 

Sarah breaks down the pieces into easy to implement steps. She is an incredible teacher and has totally transformed the way I walk - adding in the feminine elements I was looking for. Her expertise will transform you! 

~ Monique, Event Organizer 

Because this program created so much success for so many woman, I'm proud to honor the SB Test Drive Guarantee

If you’re not happy, I’m not happy. If for some reason it’s not working for you within 30 days – just jump in on a quick call, show me your work and if I can’t fix it, I’ll gladly buy it back form you for the full price.

Because this system is a real game changer and I stand by it 100% so it’s risk free for you!

*To this day, I'm proud to say not a single women has asked for a refund. 

“I’m Sarah, and I teach women like you how to become the most confident and feminine version of themselves.”
I left a successful competitive dance career where I became a World Professional Semi-Finalist and Award Winning Coach to go all in on coaching women.

For 2 decades, I spent my days dancing in heels. I realized early that in order for me to have a successful competitive career (and one that lasts), I needed to not only look great in heels but I also needed to learn how to preserve my body while wearing them.

I studied anatomy principles and body language principles to make this happen. Women seemed to notice, as I kept getting questions like: How do you last all day in heels? How can I walk into a room with more confidence?

It quickly became apparent that so many women had this desire. A desire to feel feminine, beautiful and confident. So, I compiled my information and started teaching in person sessions, which grew into live workshops, than into international masterclasses. 

This journey ultimately culminated in the development of a comprehensive system, now shared in this course, designed to empower women everywhere with the tools and confidence needed to effortlessly stand out in their heels.
Nope. I’m not going to sit here and say this is for everyone. But if…
 You’ve exhausted blogs and YouTube tutorials… You’re done with the endless puzzle of information and need a foolproof system that promises results.
 You've never had that guiding hand... that feminine mentor to introduce you to these skills. You're seeking someone to offer a little guidance and help you find your footing.
 You adore your heels... but the agony of strutting in them (we're talking neck, back, you name it!) is getting real. You're searching for that guiding hand to show you the way because you're eager to pinpoint what's not working and discover precisely how to set it right.
 You’ve spent far too many days resorting to messy buns and yoga pants… You crave a touch of femininity and elegance in your life and you’re seeking a skill that will bring just that.
 You just know your presentation impacts how you feel and how others perceive you… working in any industry where poise matters, you’re ready to get the skills and capitalize on that advantage.
Frequently Asked Questions...

Q: I don’t think I have time for this??

A: Hey there, Gorgeous, no need to fret! I've crafted this course with the busy woman in mind. You can opt to progress entirely at your own speed, integrating practices as you go, or you can select one of the 3 training plans, starting from as little as 30 minutes a week. Each person's journey will have its own unique path, and that's perfectly fine. This is all about you and your femininity.

Q: I just don’t think I can spend that right now. Is there a payment plan?

A: Yes, absolutely! My aim was to ensure accessibility for every woman. You have the option to either make a one-time payment of $197 or opt for the convenient payment plan of $37 for 6 months. Less than the cost of your weekly coffee fix for a skill that lasts a lifetime... now that's what I call a win!

Q: "How long do I get access?

A: This course is designed to be a lifetime resource! What does that mean for you? Well, it means you're in for a treat! I want you to have ongoing access to this content, so if you enroll now, it's yours to keep indefinitely. I'm continually refining, supplementing it, and creating new material, which means once you're in, you'll have access to everything that's available now (and anything that's on the horizon)!

Q: "I’m a _______ fill in the blank_______, will this work for me?"

A: Absolutely! This course has been embraced by models, lawyers, farmers, grandmas, surgeons, realtors, moms, and students alike. Whether you're leveraging this program to enhance your grace and confidence at work, add some flair to your love life, or reconnect with your body, it has undergone rigorous testing and is guaranteed
to get you results!

Q: "Am I too old… tall… curvy… for this to work?"

A: Women at 70 have followed this course and achieved remarkable results. Women who are 6 feet have taken this course and experienced undeniable transformations. Curvaceous beauties have celebrated the results. Regardless of your age, weight, or height, the path to success remains constant. I've spent nearly two decades refining and testing this system on all beautiful shapes and sizes, and I know it works.

Q: "So, I’m curious, does Sarah do 1:1 feedback?"

A: This course offers comprehensive guidance on everything you need to know about looking and feeling fabulous in heels. But if you desire a more personalized touch or individualized feedback, I do provide additional heel services, including walk analyses and private coaching, for that extra boost of confidence.

Q: "I have more questions – how can I get in touch?

A: I'm here and ready to listen! Don't hesitate to get in touch at
Join the Heels Course and Be Among the Ranks of Women Effortlessly Strutting in Heels, Pain-Free.
Experience a 10x Confidence Boost in Just 30 Days
Sure, you COULD venture down the solo route or attempt to piece together tips from YouTube, but that means countless hours of research with no promise of results. Alternatively, you could opt for endless practice (but practice without structure is just another form of madness).

Or, you could collaborate with a seasoned professional dancer and body language expert who has ironed out all the creases for you—a system tested and perfected over two decades, all at a price lower than a pair of designer shoes.

Not to mention, I bring a killer personality to the table and I promise our time together will be an absolute blast!

How much longer do you want to delay? How much longer can you endure not being able to strut in the shoes you adore, not radiating confidence, not embodying your most vivacious, feminine self? 

This is your moment! I'll be waiting for you on the inside.
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But don’t worry, gorgeous! We’re preparing something extraordinary for you. Leave your name and email below, and we’ll personally notify you the moment the doors swing back open.


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